Foreign-related litigation and arbitration, cross-border investment, international trade, foreign-related IP
·曾任大学英语讲师、进出口公司外销员、跨国公司采购/项目经理,自2004年通过司法考试后至今一直从事专职律师工作,主攻涉外领域业务,深耕涉外诉讼仲裁、跨境投资、国际贸易纠纷等领域,已经与世界各地的同行建立了广泛而深入的人际合作网络,为中国企业走出去提供法律服务打下了良好基础。Used to act as college English Lecturer, sales executive of Exp/Imp Company, Purchasing/Project Manager of Transnational Company. Has practiced since passing Judicial Exam in 2004, mainly involved in foreign-related areas of practice, with in-depth exploration in foreign-related litigation/arbitration, cross-border investment,international trade, having established extensive and personal network with peers in other parts of the world for professional cooperation, laying good foundation for serving Chinese enterprises going global.
·曾受聘为厦门大学法学院学生讲授涉外合同法律实务,并于2014年至2019年被广东外语外贸大学法学院聘为客座教授。Retained as Visiting Professor of Xiamen University Faculty of Law lecturing on CISG, and retained Visiting Professor of Guangong University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Law from 2014 to 2019.
·曾任柬埔寨国家商业仲裁中心仲裁员、广东省律师协会国际业务法律专业委员会副主任、英国皇家御准仲裁员学会会员,现为高检民事行政咨询专家、农业部对外交流法律顾问专家组成员(全国五名律师之一)、国际律师联盟会员、广州仲裁委员会、海南国际仲裁院、长沙/石家庄仲裁委员会仲裁员、广州市国际投资促进中心投资广州咨询专家、韶关市知识产权局专家库专家。Used to act as Arbitrator of Cambodian National Commercial Arbitration Centre, Deputy Director of Guangdong Lawyers Association International Legal Practice Specialty Committee, MCIArb. Currently Panelist of Consultation Expert for Administrative and Civil Case Consultation of The Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Panelist of Expert Panel of Ministry of Rural and Agricultural Development for External Communication( one of five lawyers nationwide), Member of UIA, Arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission, Hainan International Arbitration Court, Changsha and Shijiazhuang Arbitration Commission, Consultation Expert of Invest Guangzhou of Guangzhou Municipal Board for International Investment, Expert on the Panel of IP Expert of Shaoguan IP Bureau
·担任深圳大学法学院涉外法治卓越人才孵化营授课导师 Retained as Lecturing Tutor by Shenzhen University Faculty of Law for Incubation Camp of Outstanding Talents in Foreign-related Rule of Law
·自执业以来,获得同行和领导的肯定,曾获广东省律协举办的律师英语演讲赛冠军、名列北京盈科律师事务所国际法律服务十佳律师榜首,其代理的外国仲裁裁决在中国的承认与执行案件入选司法部涉外案例库,他也被司法部选派作为全国五位律师之一为参加世界律师大会的外国代表团就广东的公共法律服务项目作英文讲解,深受外国同行的欢迎。Since his practice, recognized by peers and leaders alike, won Champion in English Speech Contest among Guangdong Lawyers organized by Guangdong Lawyers Association, ranked top among Top 10 Yingke Lawyers for International Legal Service, the case of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award in China he represented was shortlisted in the case bank of typical foreign-related case of Ministry of Justice.He was selected as one of the five lawyers to showcase Guangdong’s Pubic Legal Service to Foreign delegates attending the Global Lawyers Forum, well accorded by fellow foreign lawyers.
·曾受广东省律协和广东省法学会委派在中国国际私法学会年会、国际投资经贸法律风险研讨会等国际国内学术会议上发言,广受好评。他曾以副主编身份参编的《从败诉案件看企业法律风险防范》由《法律出版社》出版。Used to be delegated by Guangdong Lawyers Association and Guangdong Law Society to speak at international and domestic academic fora like China International Private Law Annual Conference and Seminar on Legal Risks in International Investment and Trade, extensively popular. He used to act as Deputy Editor-in-Chief compiling Prevention of Legal Risks from the Perspective of Lost Cases, published by China Law Press.